Granichen Racer Bike Cup
The event village
Anyway the lead up to the race was really good, and we had a lot of time to play on the course and get to know it. The first couple of rides on the course were pretty wet and slippery making it really technical but after a couple of days it dried up and was dusty by race day.
The race pack. I gobbled this up after the race:
8 packs chewing gum,4 packs chocolate, a pie, some cereal, a muesli bar, 3 tubes toothpaste, 2 bottles mouth wash, sunblock, key chain, bottle and a seat cover!
I kind of liked being seeded in 45th (last) as it put no pressure on me at all. All I could do was improve and improve I did... The gun went and the pace was moderate but people were still managing to crash and lose control, about 300m into the race a rider behind me barged into my shoe destroying the buckle completely (epic), I managed to stay on my bike and keep with the pack until my chain dropped at the first descent and sucked into the chain rings. While I was untangling it I moved back into last haha.
Like new
Oh and one more thing haha somebody stole my gloves too! I wish insurance would cover all of this..
Looking forward to having a faster race next weekend in Engelburg at the next Racer Bike Cup!
Matching bug
Thats all for now
Great to read all this Sam. Good luck for the rest of your races.